Does ‘T.E.S.T. Kitchen Infinity Comic #1″ take place in the Avengers Campus universe? Here’s what the creators have to say!

Does ‘T.E.S.T. Kitchen Infinity Comic #1″ take place in the Avengers Campus universe? Here’s what the creators have to say!
Love Everlasting #1 (Review)Image Comics Love Everlasting follows the small town girl of Joan Petterson and her confusing adventure with love. As she...
The Deadliest Bouquet #1 ReviewImage Comics The Deadliest Bouquet begins with the death of Jasmin Hawthorn, the matriarch of Les Trios Fleurs. With their...
Sacrament #1 is the latest book to drop from AWA studios and to nobody surprise it's a home run. AWA studios continues to put forth excellent stories...
From the first panel of the first page, throughout the entirety of the series, Hit Me never took its foot of the gas — not once. While the subject matter...
Today saw a first look at The New DCEU film "Black Adam." Giving fans a first look at the Justice Society of America [JSA]and a bit deeper into the world...
Marvel’s new Punisher series has brought the heat from the jump, but this week’s issue is a cut above the other two. It’s always a risk to mess with a...
The Tiger's Tongue is an all-age fantasy comic series written that entices the reader by its beautiful illustrations and colors. The Grand Tiger, saved by...
Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood #1 containers three short stories from acclaimed Marvel writers and artists. Each team provides their version of...
Charles Ardai makes his TLDR debut to talk about his hit series with Titan Comics, Gun Honey. Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar get some insight into the...
We all have had a nightmare in our lives, and all of us have an image in our head of what a nightmare looks like. In this first edition, Doctor Strange is...
Writer of one of TLDR's favorite horror books, Hotell, and the hit wrestling series from AWA, The Crimson Cage, John Lees joins the show this week. The...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.