Imp of the Sun is charmingly beautiful. Challenging, but not punishing. Approachable, yet it does not hold your hand. Imp of the Sun is a Metroidvania...

Imp of the Sun is charmingly beautiful. Challenging, but not punishing. Approachable, yet it does not hold your hand. Imp of the Sun is a Metroidvania...
Circle, Triangle, Square. No this isn't your 1st grade art class over again, instead, it is the basis for everything you will do in Flat Kingdom. Flat...
Martha Is DeadPublisher: Wired ProductionsDeveloper: LKAReleased February 24, 2022 "Martha Is Dead is a dark first-person psychological thriller, set in...
If you have been reading my reviews for a while, you know that I am a sucker for a good indie game. When The Ascent was announced last year for Xbox and...
From Brazilian developers PetitFabrik comes Kukoos: Lost Pets, a 3-D action platform. As you battle to save your pets that have fallen under the control...
Super Dungeon Maker is for everyone who played Nintendo's Mario Maker and wished for a Legend of Zelda maker. Created by Firechick, Super Dungeon Maker...
Tunic Game (PC Review) Since it was first announced at E3 2018, I have waited for the Tunic game patiently. Any news and information regarding the game's...
Developed by: WoblywarePublished by: Ratalaika GamesReleased: March 18, 2022 (PC, Playstation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox) Royal Frontier is Slay the Spire...
Young Souls puts a blade in your hand and unleashes you into a world of goblins and ghouls. You play as siblings Tristan and Jenn on a quest to save The...
Imagine going back in time (not everyone got the chance Marty), to change just one thing in order to change something at another point in time (a fools...
Published by: Devolver Digital Developed by: Flying Wild Hog Reviewed on: PlayStation 5, playing a PlayStation 4 copy I have played many games...
My Friendly NeighborhoodDeveloper: John Szymanski & Evan SzymanskiPublisher: DreadXPComing Soon "Something is happening with everyone's favorite...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.