It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine. If that sentiment seems unsettling to you then rest assured you are not the only one thinking that way. Actually, you probably have a lot in common with the main characters in Image Comics newest series, Napalm Lullaby. Instead of living asleep behind the wheel like some others, the siblings know a change will do us all some good. Together they are about to set off on an explosive encounter they expect will wake up the world.
Napalm Lullaby #1
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Bengal
Letterer: Rus Wooton

Napalm Lullaby #1 opens in the heartland of middle America – Norfolk, Nebraska. The use of this setting allows Remender to establish this story as one of both struggle and sacrifice for survival. The story opens with Paul who is organizing a strike for better conditions not simply for himself, but also his neighbors. After wrapping up that day’s demonstration he travels home with his wife named Brenda. During their trip home Brenda mentions her recent revelation from a yet unnamed deity. According to her, Paul’s preaching isn’t enough and any chance for change will require more than words and songs.
Their discussion is interrupted when an explosion alerts them to the arrival of something called a Mechawomb. Two armored mercenaries also emerge from the portal, chasing and eventually subduing the machine. However, before they can eliminate the threat inside – an infant – the child’s cry destroys them both. Could this be exactly what Paul needs to make a difference? Brenda believes it is and she utters a “Praise to Glokor” as confirmation.

Now if you’re getting the feeling this series seems familiar to another “otherworldly” savior story – Paul and Brenda are even traveling by truck when the incident occurs – you may be on to something. Especially once you see how Remender along with artist Bengal believe our society will look 50 years in the future. To say Napalm Lullaby’s tomorrow is in desperate need of a hero – or even a hundred – is an understatement. However, based on his actions when readers meet him, I don’t get the impression Hork the Penniless is it. Thankfully, Remender feels the same way and the writer wants this brutish bully – or any wannabe, sociopathic savior – to know something: In Your Dreams.
In fact, a dream sequence is exactly where Hork has been for the past few days. Instead of killing the clerics for the angelic looking prostitute Rose, he has been following instructions from siblings Sarah and Sam. With their mental abilities – Sarah can alter the mind and Sam feels emotions – the two, and their mission, seem similar to another comic book psychic; one who also has a DREAM. But as they attempt to escape the brothels enforcer after killing Hork, Napalm Lullaby #1 makes a point of showing that unlike that “hero” the siblings are willing to do the work necessary themselves. A contrast to leaders more than willing to send their students, or their constituents instead.
As Napalm Lullaby #1 ends, Sarah and Sam believe they acquired the balm necessary for our society’s survival. This new series from Image Comics is an eye opener to the hierarchy that our leaders create, using actions and words to keep us soothed and sedated.
Like Nino said in New Jack City, “They’re running a strange program on us.” And if Sarah and Sam are going down their plan is to take a whole lot of people with them.
Score: 8.4