It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine. If that sentiment seems unsettling to you then rest assured you are not the only one thinking...

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine. If that sentiment seems unsettling to you then rest assured you are not the only one thinking...
Death or Glory #8 Image Story: Rick Remender Art/Colors: Bengal CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COPY! This is a comic that I have patiently been waiting for...
Death or Glory #5 Image Comic Written by: Rick Remender Art by: Bengal Letters by: Rus Wooton Death or Glory #5 picks up following Glory, Pablo and his...
Death or Glory #4 Image Comics Written by: Rick Remender Art by: Bengal Letters by: Rus Wooton Death or Glory constantly uses themes and imagery of car...
Adventures of Supergirl chapter 3 DC Comics Written by: Sterling Gates Art by: Bengal, Jonboy Meyers, Emanuela Lupacchino and Emma Vieceli I have an early...
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