Catmaze Nintendo Switch ReviewRatalaika Games Catmaze is an action platform similar to Metroid, Castlevania, and Hollow Knight. Based on Slavic mythology,...

Catmaze Nintendo Switch ReviewRatalaika Games Catmaze is an action platform similar to Metroid, Castlevania, and Hollow Knight. Based on Slavic mythology,...
Bravery & Greed is a blast to play. It is easy for an indie 2D roguelite to get lost of the shuffle, but Bravery & Greed is worth finding time...
When I was given the chance to review a soccer game at the same time the World Cup is going on, I was ecstatic. Soccer was one of my favorite sports...
Published by: AtariReleased: November 11, 2022 (PC, Playstation, Switch, Xbox) Atari 50: the Anniversary Collection is a masterpiece. It is one of the...
As much as retailers push the start, December 1st still seems to mark the beginning of Christmas for most folks. Whilst tracking down that first day's...
The holidays bring back a flood of memories. As I sit and reflect on gifts of yore, there are a few of those little nuggets of care and intention that...
Smurfs Kart is a good, solid kart racing. Take a moment and let that sink in. For a genre flooded with licensed cash-in, Smurfs Kart is good. Published...
Success is tricky; not only to achieve, but even the very definition. Down on the list, past the few about reaching an aim, is an unexpected use of the...
Published by: Playstack Developed by: Stubby Games Reviewed on: PlayStation 5 Release Date: 11/3/2022 It has been quite some time since I have delved into...
Growing up I loved going to arcades. There was something magical about the sounds and lights inside those places. Even now I love going to Dave and...
Platformers have seen quite a renaissance as of late in the indie space of game development. Some try to recreate the magic of older, well known series....
So excited to tell you about this new game Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince from Castle Pixel. It's about a brother and sister. The girl is budding...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.