What do you do when everyone is leaving planet Earth on jet planes, without any plans to come back again? Ghost Machine Comics UNNAMED man behind the iron mask remembers his father refusing to cheat the land. But once their farm burns down, by his father’s hand, his only choice is to reach for the stars. Rook Exodus rockets readers to the year 2173. If Redcoat shows how Image Comics creator owned Universe gets started, then this series illustrates how it’s going. Different board, same chess match. With a Rook attempting to figure out how to win the game.
Rook Exodus #1
Ghost Machine Comics
Image Comics
Creators: Geoff Johns; Jason Fabok
Colorist: Brad Anderson
Letters: Rob Leigh
Despite the promise of a Better-World, by 2170 humanity’s new home Exodus is in worse shape than the one they left behind. In fact now that the Earth Engine has failed this world lives up to its original name, Planet “F”. Not that the “as if” crowd stuck around on either planet long enough to notice. However, as someone used to relying on the land, Rook – a farmer turned Warden – isn’t about to bilk the system. But he is willing to use everything the “Earth” provides to his advantage. Which in Rook Exodus #1 means picking through a space ship that doesn’t make orbit and crashes to the ground.
As characters go, Rook’s story and his style might seem like they’re mined from some other famous stars. For starters his look, especially the Warden helmet – a long with its function – reminds me of a certain guardian. But while Brad Anderson has him sporting a similar jean and overcoat jacket look, as Rook approaches the the wreckage the parliament surrounding him suggests this is a serious proceeding taking place. Meanwhile, since most of mankind left before Rook Exodus #1 begins, much of this issue reads like a solo adventure. ettering becomes essential and Rob Leigh easily handles the heavy lifting. By the issues end readers will understand the centuries old cons simply came to Exodus and caused the same circumstances. Leading to the daily labors left to Rook and the “others” still stranded on Exodus.
Because instead of peace on a new earth, Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok envision a future where some men believe they have mastered the universe. At least the portions that matter, like a sustainable habitat that provides a healthy planet; a happy lifestyle. So when the Earth Engine failed, Rook explains the kings and queens were the first to buy their next ticket to paradise; birds of a feather. What does this adage say about Rook, considering the species Warden wa chosen to oversee?
I already mentioned that Rook is not alone on Exodus, and along with some remaining humans the Warden has other helpers. As part of Better-World’s complete control of Exodus, the Weatherman and Warden programs were established. While the Weathermen were responsible for maintaining the environment, Warden’s – like Rook – controlled a specific animal population with their helmets. With the Earth Engine offline, most Weathermen were no longer essential to Exodus, many most likely moved on to greener pastures. This leaves Warden’s like Rook, who attempts to use his failing helmet to maintain his clamor with the clamour circling the beautiful but no longer bustling city of New Mason. Even on Exodus the pecking order for our species seems familiar.
This corner of Ghost Machine Comics character Universe shows audiences a ghost town that’s even scarier because it’s a sequel. And Rook is desperately working to escape humanity’s second planetary horror. Rook Exodus combines Hitckcockian horror and space exploration to subtly suggest what historians, scientists and even a sci-fi franchise has been saying for years. We seek out new worlds and boldly go where no man has gone before.
They just leave out the part about what’s left afterwards.
Leftovers, not fit for man or beast.
Score: 9.7