Swan Songs #3, from series creator W. Maxwell Prince and publisher Image Comics, brings forth a peculiar yet intriguing installment in a series that’s...
Comics Reviews Articles
KILL YOUR DARLINGS #1, from Image Comics and debut writers Ethan S.Parker and Griffin Sheridan, introduces us to Rose, a young girl with a vivid...
W0RLDTR33 #5: Image Comics Review
James Tynion IV and Fernando Blanco’s remarkable series, W0RLDTR33, has reached the end of its first arc. The series ingeniously employs real-world...
BONE ORCHARD TENEMENT #3: Image Comics Review
Prepare to dive into the abyss of horror in Bone Orchard Tenement #3 from writer Jeff Lemire and artist Andrea Sorrentino. With each page, the horror...
SOMETHING EPIC #4: Image Comics Review
In a year rich with remarkable comics, a standout gem among them is Something Epic. Something Epic #4, from creator Szymon Kudranski and publisher Image...
You can Pick Your Friends, But…
Even with their modern and professional appeal, terms like networks, circles and followers will never match up to the value of the bond with someone you...
What A Difference A Day Makes
Just sleep on it. This statement suggests that a single session in a state of slumber is sufficient to solve most any situation. For the...
SWAN SONGS #2: Image Comics review
W. Maxwell Prince, in collaboration with Image Comics, presents the second captivating installment of "Swan Songs," an anthology series dedicated to...
Frigid Air Man
Astonishing. That is the adjective that the individuals at the the X-Offices chose to attach to this solo adventure for Robert "Bobby" Drake. ...
Yield: The Rite Of Way
Once upon a time it was believed that sustenance and survival required persistent pursuit of approval, often in the form of ritualistic tribute, from some...
An accident waiting to happen. Is there a better explanation for the unsettling, anticipatory emanation that the arrival of Bruce Banner creates in an...
WORLDTR33 #4: Image Comics Review
W0RLDTR33 brought to life by the creative mind of James Tynion IV and publisher Image Comics has been nothing short of a wild ride, to say the least. The...