Onboard Battery: THEGWW Preview Of IDW Series Dead Seas

You hear a lot about people too dim to light a bulb. While others are seen as the light of the world. But, what happens when a soul refuses to leave when the lights go out. TheGWW got a preview of Dead Seas, an upcoming series from IDW Publishing and the story’s stage – The… Continue reading Onboard Battery: THEGWW Preview Of IDW Series Dead Seas

Nature’s Labyrinth Q&A with Zac Thompson & Bayleigh Underwood

After reading issue #1 of Nature’s Labyrinth, TheGWW got the opportunity to pose a few questions to Mad Cave Studios. The title’s writer, Zac Thompson, and artist, Bayleigh Underwood, took some time to untangle my web of words, offering readers a look at the story, their collaboration and what awaits inside Nature’s Labyrinth. Urban jungle… Continue reading Nature’s Labyrinth Q&A with Zac Thompson & Bayleigh Underwood

Superman Documentary: Selling Superman

What is your Holy Grail comic? What would you do if you had the chance to sell a Batman #1 (8.0) or a Superman #1 (7.0)? A new Superman documentary –Selling Superman– is live on Kickstarter right now and with it comes family drama and a safe full of comic collecting goodness. Origin Story A… Continue reading Superman Documentary: Selling Superman

X Rock A Party

While I won’t admit to being a professional event organizer, I have attended enough functions to notice the success or failure of the party comes down to a simple two part dance; band or dj optional. The first is the planning, preparations and provisions. This is something Emma Frost easily has a mastery over, with… Continue reading X Rock A Party

Rayne of Ages Issue 1

Need an escape? During times like these, no matter what your reading genre(s) of choice, I think it’s fair to say a bit of escape can go a long way towards both amusement and self-care. I have heard many lovers of the comics medium say that a good palate-cleanser read is a wonderful thing. I… Continue reading Rayne of Ages Issue 1

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